Bridge Engineering By J. S. Alagia
By J. S. Alagia
8th Edition 1983
ISBN : 9789380358420
Binding : Half Clout Hard-Bound
Pages : 204 + 18 = 222
Size (mm) : 210 × 15 × 135
Weight : 320 g
This text-book aims at presenting the fundamental principles of Bridge Engineering. It is characterised by the clear, methodical and step-by-step treatment of the subject.
Salient features of this book are: numerous diagrams, photographs, brief description and clear exposition. Typical questions follow each chapter.
Throughout this book the chief aim has been to illustrate the subject matter fully with suitable diagrams and by direct treatment of the subject matter.
The book is written entirely in metric system of units.
It is hoped that this revised edition will prove useful to students preparing for degree examinations in civil engineering of all the Indian Universities, Diploma Examinations of the various Technical Boards, Certificate Courses, and also Associate Membership Examinations of professional bodies. It should also prove of interest and of practical value to practising engineers.
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