Programming in C By Jignesh Shah
By Jignesh Shah
2nd Edition 2023
ISBN : 9789385039683
Binding : Paperback
Pages : 448 + 16 = 464
Size (mm) : 240 × 19 × 170
Weight : 615 g
C language is very important in Computer Programming. This book is divided into 12 chapters and 5 Appendix. So that students can get detailed, systematic and step by step knowledge of the subject. In each chapter all the points are explained in simple language with illustrations.
Salient features of the book are as follows:
* 527 Examples (including programs with output)
* 79 Important tables
* 376 Exercise Questions.
Watch, output, trace into, step over, getch( ), clrscr( ), gotoxy( ), kbhit( ), delay( ), time structure, merits and demerits of string input library function are discussed for the first time in this book.
In addition to this, ‘C’ fundamentals, operators, input-output library functions, loops, string handling library functions, pointers, multifile programming, file handing functions are discussed in detail in easy to understand style.
In Chapter 10 Object oriented programming is discussed in detail and in Chapter 11 special programs are given. By studying these programs, programmer can become expert in ‘C’ language.
In this book following Appendices are explain in detail:
* Appendix A – Algorithm and Flow-chart,
* Appendix B – Bit level Programme
* Appendix C – ASCII Character Set
* Appendix D – Operators precedence table and
* Appendix E – Library Functions.
This book is prepared for both learners as well as for experienced programmers. This book is very useful for Degree and Diploma students of Engineering, M.C.A., P.G.D.C.A., B.C.A., B.Sc., I.T.I., Commerce, Management and students learning Programming Languages in private Institutes.
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