Construction Planning and Management By Ketki B Dalal Rangwala
By Ketki B Dalal Rangwala
1st Edition 2019
ISBN : 9789385039409
Binding : Paperback
Pages : 468 + 20 = 488
Size (mm) : 235 × 20 × 170
Weight : 585 g
This book provides profound knowledge of various techniques of Construction Planning and Management. The study will enhance the performance of various aspects of complex construction projects.
The entire text-matter has been arranged systematically into twenty-four chapters. The outline of this book is:
Chapter 1 and 2 presents topics on Construction Management and Economy as well as Managerial Organisation.
Chapter 3 discusses Job layout and Project Supervision.
Chapter 4 consists of Construction Accidents and Safety Measures.
Chapter 5 gives Conventional Methods of Management Techniques such as Gantt or Bar Charts; Mile-stone Charts; Line of Balance (LOB) Techniques.
Chapter 6 about Introduction to Network Techniques.
Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10 elaborates topics on Network techniques: Critical Path Method (CPM); Cost Optimization; Updating Resources Planning Allocation and Scheduling, respectively.
Chapter 11 discusses Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).
Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 discuss the Construction Labour; Construction Materials; Construction of Tall Buildings; Erection of Steel Structures; Construction of Dam; Construction of Tunnels; Compressed Air respectively.
Chapter 19 & 20 discuss Cash Flow and Economic Analysis as well as Economics of Construction Equipment respectively.
Chapter 21, 22, 23 & 24 related to Contracts, Tenders and Contract Management; Conditions of Contract; Arbitration; Accounts respectively.
The entire book comprise of following:
* 144 Self explanatory and Neatly drawn sketches
* 128 Useful Tables
* 106 Solved Problems
* 350 Typical questions at the end of the Chapters.
The book should prove to be extremely useful to the Engineering students preparing for the Degree Examinations of all the Indian Universities, Diploma Examinations conducted by various Boards of Technical Education, Certificate Courses as well as for the A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C., G.A.T.E., I.E.S. and other similar competitive and professional examinations. It should also prove of interest to the practising professionals.
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